
The World View from Anthony Harper on Vimeo.

Can we fix it ? The {it} I’m referring to is our societal ills ! Save The World is dedicated to creating a new frame of reference, regarding how human beings relate to one another, and their immediate and external environment.

To begin to understand this new frame of reference, requires a deep and thorough introspection of our values and beliefs.

So, first where does our values and beliefs come from ? This is not an abstract question ! We are at a crucial juncture in human evolution, and the solution sets that are being applied to resolve the issues that continue to plague us are not working.

Why? Solutions to public problems always call for some type of social change or movement. This change can only materialize if two circumstances are met. One, the cultural value system, which consist of our commonly held understanding and beliefs, must be updated. two, the environmental factors that support and enable a negative value system must change to support the updated understandings.

For example, the current social model that has evolved for the most part promotes and rewards competition and self-interest as the guiding mentality. The direct consequence of this orientation is the spectrum of aberrant behavior, you see around you !

Most people recognize that societies everywhere are full of corruption, crime, etc.. but the problem is people think that these aberrancies are coming from a certain groups of people such as the rich elite, politicians etc.. and we think that new laws, paper proclamations and the like are going to fix things.

These behaviors are imbedded in the foundation of our social operations ! These dynamics have become normality and unnoticed because everyone in our society has been conditioned to it, and must participate in within it to survive!

The biggest revelation yet to be understood by most, is that this current social model we are living within is outdated, and that there exist an entire new set of solutions, that can alleviate a great deal of the stress, and neurosis that we are currently experiencing. Stay tuned. Peace !

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